Guillermo Rauch

Books people re-read

August 2, 2020 (5y ago)33,711 views

Last night I asked a question on Twitter: what books have you read more than once?

As it turns out, it turned into a wonderful way of crowdsourcing a compelling reading list from quite a few thoughtful people.

I took the opportunity to dump the data on Notion and write a Next.js page using the new stable Incremental Static Regeneration to produce this list and keep it up to date automatically.

Here are all the books, sorted by how frequently they were suggested.

How to Win Friends & Influence PeopleHow to Win Friends & Influence People🔥 7
Atomic HabitsAtomic Habits🔥 6
The AlchemistThe Alchemist🔥 6
FactfulnessFactfulness🔥 4
One Hundred Years of SolitudeOne Hundred Years of Solitude🔥 4
The Pragmatic ProgrammerThe Pragmatic Programmer🔥 4
The Lord of The RingsThe Lord of The Rings🔥 4
Man's Search for MeaningMan's Search for Meaning🔥 4
SapiensSapiens🔥 4
When Breath Becomes AirWhen Breath Becomes Air🔥 4
You Don't Know JSYou Don't Know JS🔥 3
DuneDune🔥 3
MeditationsMeditations🔥 3
Atlas ShruggedAtlas Shrugged🔥 3
Zero to OneZero to One🔥 3
The Intelligent InvestorThe Intelligent Investor🔥 3
The Little PrinceThe Little Prince🔥 3
Steve JobsSteve Jobs🔥 3
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle MaintenanceZen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance🔥 3
Predictably IrrationalPredictably Irrational🔥 2
Skin in The GameSkin in The Game🔥 2
The Catcher in the RyeThe Catcher in the Rye🔥 2
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ckThe Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck🔥 2
Dandelion WineDandelion Wine🔥 2
The FountainheadThe Fountainhead🔥 2
The Picture of Dorian GrayThe Picture of Dorian Gray🔥 2
How to Stop Worrying and Start LivingHow to Stop Worrying and Start Living🔥 2
Deep WorkDeep Work🔥 2
Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!🔥 2
FictionsFictions🔥 2
The Autobiography of Malcolm XThe Autobiography of Malcolm X🔥 2
The Algorithm Design ManualThe Algorithm Design Manual
A Guide to the Good LifeA Guide to the Good Life
The Book of JoyThe Book of Joy
Can't Hurt MeCan't Hurt Me
Tools of TitansTools of Titans
Hackers & PaintersHackers & Painters
On Writing WellOn Writing Well
The Way to LoveThe Way to Love
Bad ScienceBad Science
Animal FarmAnimal Farm
The 5 AM ClubThe 5 AM Club
People SkillsPeople Skills
Foundation: Matter the Body ItselfFoundation: Matter the Body Itself
Innovate or DieInnovate or Die
The CidThe Cid
The MartianThe Martian
I Am LegendI Am Legend
The Grapes of WrathThe Grapes of Wrath
Society of MindSociety of Mind
Reality TransurfingReality Transurfing
The Old Man and The SeaThe Old Man and The Sea
As a Man ThinkethAs a Man Thinketh
You’re My Favorite ClientYou’re My Favorite Client
The Book of the New SunThe Book of the New Sun
The Left Hand of DarknessThe Left Hand of Darkness
World TalesWorld Tales
Brave New WorldBrave New World
Radical CandorRadical Candor
The SilmarillionThe Silmarillion
This is How You Lose HerThis is How You Lose Her
The English PatientThe English Patient
The Hour of the StarThe Hour of the Star
The Hot ZoneThe Hot Zone
All the Light We Cannot SeeAll the Light We Cannot See
Getting Things DoneGetting Things Done
Functional JavaScriptFunctional JavaScript
The FallThe Fall
Notes from UndergroundNotes from Underground
Welcome to LagosWelcome to Lagos
Poor Richard's AlmanackPoor Richard's Almanack
Poor Charlie's AlmanackPoor Charlie's Almanack
The Untethered SoulThe Untethered Soul
Snow CrashSnow Crash
Thinking, Fast and SlowThinking, Fast and Slow
The Obstacle is the WayThe Obstacle is the Way
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the GalaxyThe Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Extreme OwnershipExtreme Ownership
The Kingkiller ChronicleThe Kingkiller Chronicle
The Last UnicornThe Last Unicorn
A Failure of NerveA Failure of Nerve
Permutation CityPermutation City
Getting RealGetting Real
Programming in HaskellProgramming in Haskell
Conversations with GodConversations with God
The Elements of StyleThe Elements of Style
From Third World to FirstFrom Third World to First
Designing Data-Intensive ApplicationsDesigning Data-Intensive Applications
The Little Book That Beats the MarketThe Little Book That Beats the Market
The E-Myth RevisitedThe E-Myth Revisited
Twilight LabyrinthTwilight Labyrinth
The Bridge of San Luis ReyThe Bridge of San Luis Rey
How to Have a Good DayHow to Have a Good Day
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-TimeThe Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time
Tools for ThoughtTools for Thought
Into the WildInto the Wild
Rich Dad Poor DadRich Dad Poor Dad
Everything is F*ckedEverything is F*cked
The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral MindThe Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind
Percy JacksonPercy Jackson
The Enchanted HourThe Enchanted Hour
The Hidden Life of TreesThe Hidden Life of Trees
The Blue Zones SolutionThe Blue Zones Solution
Gödel, Escher, BachGödel, Escher, Bach
And Quiet Flows the DonAnd Quiet Flows the Don
The Lean StartupThe Lean Startup
The Art of LearningThe Art of Learning
Cosmic SerpentCosmic Serpent
I Am ThatI Am That
Way of the Peaceful WarriorWay of the Peaceful Warrior
The AntidoteThe Antidote